Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle : la voie du littoral

  • Starting point : Sanguinet
  • Total distance : 501,3 km
  • Walking : Medium

150 km from Sanguinet to Tarnos - A crossing which passes by the seaside resorts of the Landes: Mimizan, Saint-Girons, Vieux-Boucau, Hossegor... A path which crosses the immensity of the Atlantic Ocean, pine forests, fresh water lakes... It is also on this way that you will cross the most people in summer season. (...)

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Last update : 30/06/2024 à 02:27:48

Source : Cirkwi | CDT-Landes
Photo credit : @Cirkwi

To discover around



Between Mimizan and Biscarrosse, Gastes is a Landes commune located in the heart of the Landes forest, in what is ...

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In the heart of the Pays de Born, not far from Mimizan and Biscarrosse, Parentis-en-Born welcomes all visitors ...

8,2 km - Parentis-en-Born

Plage du lac de Parentis-en-Born

Plage du lac de Parentis-en-Born
Plage du lac de Parentis-en-Born

A pleasant beach, a stone's throw from the marina. Summer and bohemian atmosphere, there are picnic tables to sit ...

8,2 km - Parentis-en-Born

Plages de Gastes sur le Lac de Parentis-en-Born

Plages de Gastes sur le Lac de Parentis-en-Born
Plages de Gastes sur le Lac de Parentis-en-Born

8,2 km - Parentis-en-Born

Plage de Sainte-Eulalie-en-Born

Plage de Sainte-Eulalie-en-Born
Plage de Sainte-Eulalie-en-Born

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