Cercle Nautique de Mimizan : Fun all summer

Cercle Nautique de Mi ...

What do you prefer during your holidays ? Relaxing in the sun or being active ? In either case, I have what you need ! The Cercle Nautique de Mimizan offers many activities on lake Mimizan to either do on your own or with your family. Have fun for hours on the water ! Try a different water craft every day and discover the beauty and the richness of this attractive recreational lake : in a canoe from the Courant des Forges and its small Amazonia and mangrove environment, in Paddle Boarding (SUP) or altogether on a Giant XXL Paddle Board SUP, on a windsurf, or in catamaran or electrical boat… Hike around the lake or simply relax on the banks. There are many ways to discover the lake of Mimizan and its at times surprising fauna…

An environment to be discovered


Lake Mimizan is a wonderful place to discover, a really wild place but which has also been developed, so you can fully enjoy your stay in les Landes.

Planche à voile, cercle nautique de mimizan

The shores of Lake Mimizan

lac sauvage cercle nautique de mimizan

A wild lake

boeuf au bord du lac

An original fauna !


Lake Mimizan is located only 10 minutes from Mimizan plage, a famous seaside resort appreciated for the beauty of its beaches and the quality of its developments : restaurants, shops, artisans, holiday accommodation, everything has been thought of including events all year and especially during summer.


Plage de Mimizan

The bright beach of Mimizan

Plage de Mimizan

Mimizan Square

Plage de Mimizan

An attractive town centre with many shops


Lake Mimizan (also called the lake of Aureilhan) measures 331 ha (818 acres), enough to navigate peacefully without feeling overcrowded ! The lake crosses 4 communes and offers easy access and large car parks. On the relaxation and leisure activities side, you can swim on the specially developed area : Aureilhan. A bit further, it is the fishermen’s paradise, with pike, carp and even eels ! After a good picnic, what would you say to a little walk on the flowered path, to appreciate the wonders of the lake and the lovely villas hiding around ?

Cercle Nautique de Mimizan

The Cercle Nautique in the pine trees

Berges lac de Mimizan cercle nautique de mimizan

Banks favourable for walks

cercle nautique de mimizan

Also come here to relax !


This lake is the the most Southerly of the chain of the lakes of Les Landes. It means that the waters of all the other lakes further North pass through this lake, before taking the Courant de Mimizan and heading to the Ocean 7 km (4.4 miles) away. Many activities take place on and around the lake ; it is a beloved nature centre. Today, I’ll take you with me to enjoy the charms of the nautical sports !


The Cercle Nautique de Mimizan, to have fun and practice sports


Sports enthusiasts, water lovers and adventurous families, to your swimming gear ! Come with me for a water sports adventure stay with the Cercle Nautique de Mimizan.


cercle nautique de mimizan location canoë

The entrance of the Cercle Nautique de Mimizan


To start the festivities, what about discovering a very special, surprising and beautiful place ? No, I am not overstating ! The Courant des Forges is a real small Amazonian, inlet that meanders through the forest for 7km. A rare wild waterway… Wild, but easy to manage as the river is listed « level 1 », it is shallow with very little current (despite its name). Have fun with your family or friends. You are taken by mini bus from the nautical centre up to Pontenx-les-Forges and you can see in an half-day (or more if you take your time) the lake of Mimizan. During the 7 kilometres (4.4 miles), wander in the forest ; you can have a lunch break in the meadow with picnic tables and children games. Then you can do a beautiful boat ride of 3km on Lake Mimizan, to return to base.

If you still want to paddle, note that there are 3 places canoes and individual kayak which can be rented per hour.

cercle nautique de mimizan

Departure in a mini-bus

Canoë cercle nautique de mimizan

Let’s go !

Kayak cercle nautique de mimizan

We paddle in the mangrove

Cercle nautique de mimizan

Very pleasant open area

Traversée Lac cercle nautique mimizan

And then we cross the lake

Centre de loisirs cercle nautique de mimizan

Tired ? Ha ha ha !


Up for another challenge ? After an ice-cream or a coffee at the refreshment bar of the Cercle Nautique de Mimizan, put on your lifejacket, grab a large paddle and let’s go for one hour or more of Paddle Boarding on the lake. But what is it ? The SUP, to use its nickname, is nothing less than one of the ancestors of modern surfing. It is not a crazy trend, the SUP comes from Polynesia where people were move around on large wooden board with a paddle. Today the SUPs are rigid or inflatable and very easily manageable. Children will have no difficulty and will find quickly their balance. The SUP is not difficult at all and not tiring like some people may believe ! The board is stable, you can be either on your knees or standing up and you can go for several hours of wandering with relaxing breaks on the board. But first, have fun wandering around the centre, there is lots to see, animals, aquatic plants, people… !!


Stand Up Paddle Cercle Nautique de Mimizan

Another viewpoint on the lake !

Stand Up paddle

It is very easy to handle

promenade sur le lac

The SUP for riding on the lake


Would you like to do some SUP (Stand Up Paddle) with your family ? Go for the Giant XXL version ! This large inflatable Stand Up Paddle can hold up to 12 people, each one equipped with a paddle. We paddle together, we have fun and we can even jump and get back on the board easily. It is fun and original !

SUP géant



Let’s paddle !



Tired at the end of the day ? Go for a sunset trip in a 4 or 7 seater electric boat. Accessible without license, these boats are quiet, safe but quick enough to allow you exploring the whole lake while having fun. Equipped of a small canope to protect you from the sun (or few drops) they are pleasant and fun. They can be rented per hour.


location bateau electrique mimizan

Electric boats

location bateau electrique cercle nautique mimizan

Accessible to all


And tomorrow ? Tomorrow you can go sailing ! From catamaran to windsurfing, you can do courses, initiations and also by renting a windsurf or a catamaran you can go out on your own. Make circle in the water, tacking and enjoy this beautiful lake !

Cours de catamaran

Catamaran lessons

Location catamaran Cercle Nautique Mimizan

Catamarans for rent

Location planche à voile cercle nautique de mimizan

Do you prefer windsurfing ?

Further information


  • I have a secret to tell you… Henri, the manager of the Cercle Nautique is a former top level rower, he participated in the Olympic Games in Atlanta! During the morning, when the mist rises up on the lake at the same time as the glowing sun, Henri coaches Audrey (his lovely wife, who also works on the square and at the Centre Lac & Océan, the holiday centre of the nautical base) and his rowing team. A not to be missed event for the early risers, it is beautiful and magical !

  • In regards to the children, craft can be rented from 6 years old and for children who can swim, with a life jacket





Cercle nautique de mimizan Henri

Henri, champion of rowing

Morning preparation

The sunrise

A very physical sport


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